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Eyeopener and Changemaker
Hear the air is an essential blog that will serve as an eyeopener. It will expose us to truth and reality necessary to awaken our unconsious and unlethargic minds . It will empower us to be more aware, vigilant and sensitive on the abysmal pollutants dominating the affable air. The must be eradicated abominable antagonists who changed the incandescent beauty of the air.
This blog will shape us to be a great fighter equipped by duties and responsibilities with innovation and deep reverence. It will transform us to be wiser and quixotic enough to understand the role being played by the innocent air to humans as well as to animals. This blog will guide us in the path of making ripple effects and huge change towards the forgotten air. It will mold us to be a warrior by blood and a servant by heart.

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                                          An Introduction

Callous diseases ◘ Horrendous problems ◘ Formidable calamities  

The antagonists of our society are becoming unstoppable and dauntless. They seem to be monsters swiftly sneaking unto our timid world. They are cruel snakes emitting poisons unto our innocent Earth. They are dangerous attacker who ruins the world. One of those must be expelled killer of society is the alarming air pollution. Our eye sees the horrendous reality that air is necessary to all living things. We need air to live. We need it to survive. We need it every day, every hour, every minute or even every second. Air pollution is not new. We consider it as an unmerciful killer that causes harm to humans as well as to animals and plants, a contributor of damages to properties and interfere visibility, an assassin who ends the life of the chaste persons. In spite of these facts, millions of us seem to be destitute of vision that we don't scrutinize the shocking reality . Believe it or not , it's 100% true ! This blog deals with the issues of pollution to the atmosphere locally, regionally and globally. This will serve as a cicerone in our mission to improve the quality of air we breathe and to further wisely utilize the air sources we have. By our joined impetus, I am pretty much sure that we will make a loud yeheey throughout the world. Secure our Future ☻ Act Now !

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