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Hear the air is an essential blog that will serve as an eyeopener. It will expose us to truth and reality necessary to awaken our unconsious and unlethargic minds . It will empower us to be more aware, vigilant and sensitive on the abysmal pollutants dominating the affable air. The must be eradicated abominable antagonists who changed the incandescent beauty of the air.
This blog will shape us to be a great fighter equipped by duties and responsibilities with innovation and deep reverence. It will transform us to be wiser and quixotic enough to understand the role being played by the innocent air to humans as well as to animals. This blog will guide us in the path of making ripple effects and huge change towards the forgotten air. It will mold us to be a warrior by blood and a servant by heart.

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Causes and Effects

                               Origin of Air Pollution
                                            by: Christine Quirao

                   Shocking truths • Horrendous facts • Pulse-quickening reality

         We are not acquainted to the truth that we are the paramount reason why the gullible air pollution do exists. We are the chief factors giving him life. Our humdrum habits habits give him and still giving an incandescent power necessary to become dauntless and unbreakable. Our stolid acts make him more courageous and unstoppable. Our wrong deeds make him enormous and dangerous to our passionate world.

This must be stamped-out air pollution grows due to the shrouding smoke emitted by the tremendous cars, trains, motorcycles , and other vehicles spawning smoke. Factories pour out range of dim smokes that lash the air. We should not use cigarettes and burn plastics for it produces dozy pollutants and particles that could annihilate the splendid body of the air.The exhaust from these contains carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide and gaseous oxide. Smoke like the tongues of hungry demons licks towards the earth. Smoke causes the atmosphere to be thin. If this happens continuously and rapidly, greenhouse effect would be next to the list.

The kaingin and deforestation has dwindled and still deteriorating the number of the innocent trees throughout the world. To note, trees absorb the destructive pollutants and particles. Trees filter the air . If we will not terminate this illegal habits and let them grow solemnly, an imbalance and abnormal relationship of the ecosystem will then spawn.

    Mills and plants, include paper mills, chemical plants, iron mills, steel mills, cement plants and asphalt plants, release emissions into the air causing air pollution. The emitted particle clashes with the air and contaminates it.Radioactive fallout causes air pollution from the nuclear energy dispersed, which is a dust.

Hark the aggravate pain overshadowing the air. Defy the monotonous pollutants and acts that contribute to the strengthening of the great assassin. Hope we will undergo vicissitude. We must surpass metamorphosis.
              Change your acts and the world will change for you ! 


                  Effects of Air Pollution
                                           by: John Paul Coching

          Nowadays according to my keen and supraliminal eyes, many problems in our society are getting unstoppable and cannot be controlled. One of those bandits is the air pollution.
        Air pollution is a malignant snake that expectorates poisons unto our world. Queasy poisons that could perturb as humans as well as animals. Vulnerable venom that could kill our beloved earth. Those serpentine toxin that could extirpate us all.
      Along with molesting human health, air pollution can cause an array of environmental effects:
    Acid rain is precipitation embracing cataclysmic number of nitric and sulfuric acids. These acids are formed basically by nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides steamed into the atmosphere when fossil fuels are burned. These acids downgrade to the surface of the Earth either as wet precipitation (rain, snow, or fog) or dry precipitation (gas and particulates). Some are fetched by the wind. In ecosystem, acid rain devastates the trees and causes soils and water bodies to be acidic, making the water unteeming causing fishes deaths . It also fastens the decay of buildings and sculptures.
    Effects on wildlife.the abysmal pollutants in the air, or accumulated on soils or surface waters, can destruct wildlife in a many ways. Like human being, animals can experience diseases if they are exposed to concentrations of air pollutants in a long period of time. Air toxics are contributors to birth deficiency, failure on reproduction, and malady in animals. 
    Ozone depletion.ozone is one of the million pollutants that can harm us humans.Ozone is gradually being destroyed by man-made chemicals also known as ozone-depleting substances, including chlorofluorocarbons or CFC's and hydrochlorofluorocarbons. These substances were used and still are used in fire extinguishers, solvents, pesticides, and aerosol propellants. Thinning of the essential ozone layer can cause increased amounts of UV radiation to touch the world, which can lead to more cases of skin cancer, cataracts, and impaired immune systems. 
      Health. contaminated air when inhaled might infect our respiratory organs that may lead to common and malignant diseases. Some of this diseases are asthma, sinusitis, HPS and Sars. If this diseases will not be cured, it might blow the candle of life of innocent humans. This malady could affect our lives especially on our bread and butter.

Those are just some of the countless effects that air pollution may bring. Effects that could ruin and kill Mother Earth. Their still hope through our joined forces and acts that could eliminate this devil in our society. Their still a chance to terminate and defeat this malignant phenomenon. We could still wipe this killer out. Let the coming generation smell and breathe the fresh air once been forgotten.

                                            Callous Malady

                                 Diseases brought by Air Pollution

                                                                             by: Almira Pinto

            We are not living in a flawless and perfect world anymore. The world changes and the people changes too. In today's complex world, the destructive and hazardous chemicals in everything we buy, the exponential increase in gasoline-burning, the rampant of automobiles on the highways, the idea of bashing air pollution is not easy to foresee. More than just the blinding smog, air pollution can be linked to everything. Turning an unconscious and blind eye to this killer mot only risks our own health but the health of the entire nation as well.
           To make us terrify and to be afraid of what may air pollution contributes or annihilates our body, here are some of the illnesses we must look upon:

  • Asthma-it is a disorder marked by deficiency in breathing. It is a respiratory disease, often of allergic origin, characterized by wheezing and sense of constriction of the chest.
  • Bronchitis-it is an inflammation of our mucus membrane lining on the bronchial tubes mostly caused by respiratory virus.
  • Sinusitis- it is an illness caused by the inflammation of the lining of one or more para-nasal sinuses. It maybe due to S pneumoniae and H influenzae. Less common causes are spyogenes, Moraxella catarrhalis and S aureus.
  • Pneumonia- it's the inflammation of one or both lungs. Alveolarsacs become filled with exudation, inflammatory cells and fibrin. Most cases of pneumonia are caused by bacteria or viruses but pneumonia can also be caused by fungi and protozoa. It is an acute nonspecific infection of the small ir sacs also known as alveoli and tissues of the lungs. Here are the symptoms:
Productive Cough
Acute Chest Pain
Shortness of breath
  • Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome(HPS)- it is an acute viral disease characterized by fever, muscular pain, Gl complaints, cough, difficulty in breathing and hypotension. Transmission of the disease is via inhalation and person to person transmission is rare.
  • Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome(Sars)A viral respiratory illness with high fever, chills, headache, a generally feeling of discomfort and body aches; sometimes diarrhea. Most patients develop a dry cough followed by pneumonia.
  • Cystic Fibrosis-
    while cystic fibrosis is a serious disease itself, high levels of air pollution can further aggravate the condition.This hereditary disease affects the mucous glands found throughout the body, including in the lungs. Thick areas of mucous develop in the lungs and allow for certain types of harmful bacteria to thrive there. As a result, these patients have an increased number of lung infections and breathing problems. Studies have shown that the respiratory complications associated with cystic fibrosis are worsened in patients who live near urban areas where air pollution concentration is higher.
    Emphysema-is often associated with smoking and causes as much as 80 percent of cases, but air pollution and workplace air contaminants also cause emphysema. Pollutants in the air or smoke accumulate in the lungs and damage the mucus that keeps the lungs clean and healthy, leading to inflammation, infection and blockage.

    Why do we let air pollution spawns million of it's effects? We must glue on our minds that are the supreme victims of it. We should eliminate this antagonists for the security of ourselves.
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